Isaiah 33:6
“And wisdom and
knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the
fear of the LORD is his treasure.”
Those of you who know my story, know that I was a
backslidden preacher who traded his pulpit for a season of sin. It is only by
God’s grace and mercy, that I came to my senses before it was too late. I do
not consider myself a pastor, a preacher, or a prophet. I write this blog
because, even though I tell myself, and the enemy constantly tells me, ‘no one
cares what you have to say anymore,’ - “But your message burns in my heart and
bones, and I cannot keep silent (Jeremiah 20:9, Contemporary English Version).”
These last several days I have had a lot of time to listen
to the voice of the Lord, and I have been hearing something in my spirit, and
it has been getting louder and louder. Trying to make sense of some sensless
acts of violence in our community, and as I look around, it seems as though the
majority of our society has lost their mind.
When the prodigal son in the scriptures came to himself in
the pigpen after wasting his substance, and wasting his life on riotous living,
he remembered where he had come from. He remembered his father’s house. He
remembered what was good and what was evil, he remembered what faithfulness and
honesty and integrity and dignity looked like. He remembered what it felt like to
be loved.
But this society has gone crazy, it’s as if our nation has
been sucked up into a tornado of depravity, and we are spinning out of control,
destroying everything that was good about this country as the storm of
depravity cuts a path across our nation. Elijah the prophet went up to heaven
in a whirlwind of holy fire, but this nation, and this generation, is going to hell
in a whirlwind of hell’s fire.
There has always been evil and good in our world, but this
is no longer a society that sins and does wrong, it has become a society that
pursues, with passion, the most wicked and perverse things that they can do.
They pervert truth, rebel against God, spit in his face, and to make a mockery
of the cross and the blood of Jesus.
But it’s not just our nation, it’s happening all over the
world, nations are being driven by evil, like puppets on a string. They are
murderous acting without any concern for human life, their thirst for power and
World dominance has made them mad. They’re off their rockers, they’ve lost it,
they’ve gone off the deep end, and it seems as if there is not a shred of
decency or human compassion left to stabilize their actions.
God has designed something within the human ear, that gives
us stability, equilibrium, it’s what gives us the ability to walk around
without falling, because we live on a globe that is in constant motion. But if
that mechanism in our inner ear is diseased, and our equilibrium, or point of
balance is lost it is nearly impossible to bring it back into a state of perpetual
That is what is happening in America the initial equilibrium
that we had in this country that was established in our trust and faith in God,
and obedience to his righteous commandments, has been lost and we are a nation
with no equilibrium. Our nation has become morally unstable. And it appears,
from my perspective, that there are no restraints, no efforts being made to pull
back on the yoke, and bring us back to course. All stabilizing factors, all
common sense, all goodness and decency are being rejected on every hand.
Thank God for what our newly elected president and leaders
are trying to do, but it’s not the president’s calling, to fix the soul of this
nation. It’s not a race issue, it’s not a political party issue, and it’s not a
money issue – it’s a soul issue. Satan is bidding for the soul of this nation,
and as far as I can tell, he don’t have much competition!
Too many preachers won’t tell the truth, they want to keep
their people medicated and sedated, and in a catatonic state, oblivious to the
world around them. They keep them drugged up on feel good messages that never
deal with sin, or the consequences, and don’t tell them how to have power over
sin and the devil. They reject the only power that helps us conquer sin –
Salvation in the only name that can save us, Jesus, and the baptism of the Holy
America is in a downward spiral toward destruction, and the
majority of the church world is just sitting around singing ‘Kum bay yah.’
Sin is in the church: Homosexuality, alcoholism, gambling,
fornication, adultery, pornography, sexual perversion, lust, pride, hypocrisy,
false doctrine – telling people that it doesn’t matter what they do or how they
live. It’s grace gone wild! It’s already covered, your already justified,
there’s no judgement with God. That’s contrary to His Word, “Without holiness,
no one will see God (Hebrews 12:14).”
Hell was not the invention of law preaching condemning religious
zealots, it is a real place!
Matthew 25:41
“Then shall he say
also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting
fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:”
And the bible says because of the pride and rebellion of man
Hell has enlarged herself to receive them.
Isaiah 5:14
“Therefore hell hath
enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and
their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.”
Friends, I try my best to be a positive preacher, to
encourage and strengthen those who suffer, but you can’t heal a cancer with a
band aid. You need to burn it out, or cut it out.
Our country including much of the church world today has
been thrown off balance and they have lost their equilibrium, they have lost
their stabilizing force. I want to speak to you, friends, and tell you today
that there is still hope for our nation, there is a way to return equilibrium
to a lukewarm church, there is hope for you no matter how far out of control
you have become: His name is Jesus!
Jesus is the stabilizing factor, and friends, if we’ve ever
needed anything in this world today and in the church: It’s a stabilizing
factor, the wisdom and knowledge, of the name that can break every chain, and
the power of the Holy Ghost residing in God’s people!
On the day of Pentecost, the Apostle Peter, after being
baptized in the Holy Ghost, preached the first sermon of the Christian Church.
He was standing among a crowd of men and women who just 40 or so days before
had rejected Jesus and shouted for his execution, and he reminded them of their
part in Jesus’ death, “This Jesus, whom you crucified.”
After hearing Peter’s words, it says that they were pricked
in their heart and asked Peter, “What must we do to be saved?”
Peter answered them, “Repent, and be baptized every one of
you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive
the gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:38, KJV).”
The answer to the question for our world today: What must we
do to be saved? Is the same.