Mark 10:46-52 (KJV)
6 And they
came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great
number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side
47 And when he heard that it
was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou son of David,
have mercy on me.
48 And many charged him that
he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of
David, have mercy on me.
49 And Jesus stood still, and
commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of
good comfort, rise; he calleth thee.
50 And he, casting away his
garment, rose, and came to Jesus.
51 And Jesus answered and
said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said
unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight.
52 And Jesus said unto him,
Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his
sight, and followed Jesus in the way.
This passage of
scripture begins by telling us that Jesus Came to Jericho, and then immediately
it transitions to Him leaving the city with His disciples. What a marvelous
truth is revealed here for those that pay attention to detail; what a wonderful
way for the lord to illustrate to us the importance of preparing ourselves for
His coming. Just like Jesus di in this passage, He will come quickly He says in
the book of Revelations, and if we are not prepared for it we will forfeit the
opportunity to be touched by His presence and we’ll receive nothing.
Only one man in this
story was desperate enough to reveal his true condition, He was willing to let
down the walls that kept him from God’s blessing and admit his true
emptiness. He was beyond caring what anyone thought of him, what
they might whisper behind his back, and he was prepared to endure their
persecution for admitting that he had a need.
It say,” And when he heard that it was Jesus.” He was blind and couldn’t see, but he could
hear! Praise God! The Lord always gives provides us a path to His
presence, He always makes a way in the wilderness for us to find Him. Jesu
always gives us something to work with. He was blind and could not see,
but he could hear He couldn’t see, but he still had a voice, and so he worked
with what God gave him.
Bartimaeus had come to
the point of desperation and he was willing to admit he was powerless. His condition
had cultivated within him a spirit of desperation. His shouts for
mercy were cries of desperation for deliverance.
Meanwhile all the “good”
followers of Jesus told him to shut up, after all he was a beggar and they were
the true followers. But he was desperate, nothing was going to stand in his way,
and so he shouted even louder. It was his shouts for mercy that stopped
Jesus in his tracks.
“And he, casting away his garment, rose, and
came to Jesus.”
His garment was a symbol
of his past, of the lifestyle that he had lived in this garment, the life of a
blind beggar. It represented his restrictions, his limitations and the
impossibilities of the infirmed life that he had been stuck in and it was
symbolic of the mentality that had held him captive and led to his desperately
determined actions. This robe said, “I am blind therefore I am
helpless, I am unable to do anything for myself, to provide anything for
myself, I am a beggar, my life and my existence are determined by the
generosity of those who can see.”
I wonder, how many are
spiritually blind to the things of God and are spiritual beggars in God’s
Kingdom. How many in the Church know nothing of the spirit of
revelation, and truth made alive within their spirits through the Holy
Ghost. Too many of God’s people choose to live like beggars and
settle for receiving everything second hand. They are blind by
choice. Why? Because when their eyes are opened, God
calls on them to change! There is an obligation for those that say they love
God to obey His Word.
Bartimaeus knew that to
receive his sight would end his right to beg. He would now have to work and
provide for himself, and he publicly made that decision. Jesus called him
beyond his condition and convinced him of a fuller life. His faith gave him
spiritual sight and he began to see himself whole. He threw off the
bondage of his past and he rose and came to Jesus. He chose to be
changed, he made a determination to be different, and he made a declaration of
his desire to be healed. He was leaving the position that defined
him as Hopeless, he was leaving the condition that defined him as a beggar, and
he was stepping into the unknown.
Every phase of growth in
our spiritual lives requires us to step into the unknown, like Capt. Kirk, we
have to go where we’ve never not gone before, to leave the comfort zone for the
opportunity to receive a greater blessing.
As the children of
Israel prepared to cross the Jordan into their inheritance, they were told to
leave a space between them and the ark so they could see which way to go
because they had never passed that way before. So many are missing what God
wants for them because they are not willing to trust Him, if they cannot see or
make sense of what He is asking, they refuse to follow.
Because they are not
willing to throw off the robes of their past, Jesus said you can’t put new wine
into old wineskins, we have to be willing to let go of the old to receive the
new. As Elijah’s mantle fell to the ground Elisha took hold of his
own clothes and tore them in two pieces. What was he doing? He was
removing the old to make room for the new.
If you are trapped in a
life of spiritual blindness, you must be willing to admit that you live in
spiritual poverty, and you must be willing to fulfill your obligation to God to
repent of your sin before He begins the process of true change in your life.
So many are trapped in
spiritual blindness because they are not willing to surrender to God.
True healing can only
take place when we are desperate enough to shout to the Lord, loud enough to
stop Him in His tracks, admit our desperate need for His touch, and then once
we are at His feet we throw off the past and allow the presence of the Holy
Ghost to bring real change and to remove the scales from our
eyes. Do you want Jesus to stand still where you are? Are
you willing to do what it takes to get him to stop in His tracks?
Then your healing is
just a shout away from you!