"Behold the voice of the cry of the daughter of my people because of them that dwell in a far country: Is not the LORD in Zion? Is not her king in her? Why have they provoked me to anger with their graven images, and with strange vanities? The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. For the hurt of the daughter of my people am I hurt; I am black; astonishment hath taken hold on me. Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered? Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people!" –Jeremiah 8:19-23 KJV
These words were penned just before the fall of Israel into Babylonian Captivity. From the heart of the “weeping prophet”, Jeremiah, we hear these words that are spoken in absolute grief and pain because Jeremiah knew that judgment was coming and could not be stopped.
Israel, God’s chosen people, were under attack from enemies on all sides. They were surrounded and had no way of escape. The enemy had come from a far country to steal, kill, and destroy Israel once and for all.
Friends, Israel’s spiritual condition back then, mirrors the spiritual condition of so many in the church today. God created us to worship and serve only Him. He desires to bring everyone into a right relationship with Him. God never stops trying to reach those who lean away from His presence and draw them back into His love. Jesus wants to extend mercy and grace to each of us. And yet, so many continue to live their lives as if Jesus is not there at all. Just as Israel had done, they let anything take the place of worshiping Jesus. Even though they know that one of the commandments that God has given to us says, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
Please take heed to these words today friends. Anything that we place above serving Jesus becomes our god. Whether it is our job, our hobbies, our friends, or even our family; God must have first place in our lives, or He will have no place at all!
We live in a world where we are surrounded by temptation. We are surrounded by the enemy on every side, and evil people who would lead us away from God. Satan is the prince of this world and his job is to steal, kill and destroy every man, woman and child who walks the face of the earth. This world is not our final destiny, not for anyone.
Those who live for God will soon be leaving to take possession of their heavenly home. Those who do not live for Jesus will leave this world to go into the world of the condemned: a world where there is no joy, peace or happiness forever. Where darkness, pain, hatred, and despair will
reign forever and where they will never die.
reign forever and where they will never die.
Jeremiah knew that God still loved Israel. His question, “Is not the Lord in Zion? Is not her King in her? It was a question to which there could only be one answer, YES! GOD IS EVERYWHERE, AT ALL TIMES!
God sees all, knows all, hears all, and is all in all. There is no place, whether in the depths of the seas or the farthest star of the universe that we can escape His presence. Surely, God is here this day to hear our cry, to see our pain, to read our heart and to know what we are even thinking.
Israel, knowing that God was there to see everything they did, had “provoked” God’s anger with their idolatry and self-centered ways. It was as though they not only ignored that fact that God was there, but they stood with their fists balled up and thrust into the face of God saying, “I dare you to stop me from living life on my terms instead of Yours!”
Time and again, with loving-kindness, the Holy Ghost tries to reach out to those who lean away from holiness. Jesus has given us His Word to learn of Him as much as we can, He wrapped himself in flesh, died on the cross, shed His own blood to purify us from our sin because we could not wash it from ourselves. And even now the relentless love of Jesus is calling out to the wayward to come home, the Holy Ghost is just waiting for an invitation to be a part of your life, to cleanse you, to fill you, and to lead you into truth!
Jeremiah had hoped that Israel would repent of her ways and turn to God, but they did not. Nebuchadnezzar’s army had laid siege to Jerusalem for nearly two years now and surely Israel would see the danger and turn from their sinful ways, but Israel was too caught up its own fun and cares of this world to see the danger that loomed ahead.
My friends, that’s a picture of our world today. I believe with all my heart, as I see what’s taking place in our world today and weigh it against God’s Word, we are living in the last days. We live at the very door of some of the most terrifying prophetic messages of the entire Bible. Just over
the horizon, even at our very doorstep, the events of the prophecies concerning the end times are about to begin.
the horizon, even at our very doorstep, the events of the prophecies concerning the end times are about to begin.
Friends, we can choose to do what Israel did. We can walk on in denial that God’s judgments are coming. We can walk on, and just keep doing those things that we want instead of what He wants. God will let us make our own choice, but He will also judge us according to our choice.
Jesus is in the process of reaping a harvest of souls for His kingdom. He died and rose again so that the harvest could happen. Jesus doesn’t want anyone to perish. He wants everyone to experience the joys of Heaven. He doesn’t want to send anyone to eternal punishment.
The time of harvest is still here now, but it will soon be over. Don’t wait lest you have to say with Jeremiah, the summer is over, the harvest is past, and I am not saved. Jeremiah cries out, because Israel is dying before his very eyes. He was amazed at their callousness in refusing to see the truth that was so plain.
Friends, this morning I am grieved and hurting for those who were once filled with the Holy Ghost but have chosen the lusts of the flesh over God’s presence. As Jeremiah wept for Israel, I weep for our community, and our world who refuse to see the truth. I can see their end. I can see the judgment that awaits them, and I cry for them.
Jeremiah asked another question that can only have one answer, “Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there?”
There is a Balm in Gilead this day for you. Jesus wants to fill you with the Holy Ghost. There is healing for your brokenness today. There is joy for your pain. There is a way for you to be free from the chains of sin. There is a way for your life to be changed forever. You can be born again today! There is a Great Physician who has come with healing in His hands, and His Name is Jesus. Jesus already knows your name, call on the Name of Jesus right now and let the healer begin to restore you today!