There is absolutely nothing mysterious about revival. It is God's response to hungry hearts and prevailing prayer. I say this with absolute confidence; this is where we are in America at this hour. Revival for the church is not a choice, it is not an option, it is essential.
Ezekiel 42:20 – “He measured it by the four sides: it had a wall round about, five hundred reeds long, and five hundred broad, to make a separation between the sanctuary and the profane place.”
The sanctuary in this passage represents that which is holy. It represents those that are sanctified. The people of God who are dedicated to God and to his service. The profane is that which is irreverent, ungodly, vile, and blasphemous. The profane stands in opposition and contradiction to everything that is pure and holy.
Brothers and sisters, there is a clear message from Heaven. It may not be what many want to hear, but I believe that God is issuing an ultimatum to the church.
Please, friends, hear my heart in this. I have determined only to say what the Holy Ghost has revealed to me through prayers. It is a message in my spirit, so I'm going to share what I'm hearing.
I'm going to tell you what I hear the Holy Ghost saying, and I'm not going to water it down or candy-coat it for you. I'm going to say it like I'm hearing it. The Holy Ghost is saying to me, to tell his church, it's either Revival or it's Burial.
The Holy Spirit is making it very clear that there is no more room for a lukewarm, or half-in, half-baked walk with God.
God is drawing a line through the Church, and it is a dividing line that will separate the holy from the profane.
There is a separation coming to the church, and the division will be clear. Between professors and possessors. Between the crucified, and the satisfied. Between the undecided, and the completely sold out. Between sanctified and pacified.
Amos 7:7-8 -- “Thus he shewed me: and, behold, the Lord stood upon a wall made by a plumbline, with a plumbline in his hand. [8] And the Lord said unto me, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A plumbline. Then said the Lord, Behold, I will set a plumbline in the midst of my people Israel: I will not again pass by them any more.”
What kind of church is it that the Lord has decided, I won't pass by them anymore? It's a dead church. It's a church that God has written over the door, Ichabod, the glory of the Lord has departed.
Friends, it is happening all over this country right now, mega-churches and mini-churches. Big and small churches and in between, size doesn't matter. The Lord is marking churches that no longer hold the sacred truth of God's Word in their hearts. Where the gospel is no longer proclaimed over their pulpits, and they no longer host the presence of God.
God is shown me regarding those congregations, they will never know my presence in their midst again because they have bowed their knees to another god. God is saying I'm through with hypocrisy and mediocrity, play time is over for my church. The Church that doesn't catch fire in this hour, and doesn't represent me faithfully and honestly, is going to be buried by the world they are conforming to.
The church in this hour that does not love the truth, that does not burn with the fire of God and is not passionately pursuing God, and hates sin, is going to be buried. The Holy Ghost said, the church that doesn't catch fire in this hour, is going to be a powerless church, and it will have absolutely no influence on society. The fireless Church is a powerless Church. And the powerless church in this hour is going to be buried by wokeness, liberalism, humanism, and by satanism. In this hour it's all in or all out. If we're not carrying the fire of heaven, we are going to get swallowed up, and buried by hell's fire.
Parents and grandparents, if you don't put something in your kids that is more powerful than the devil, then the devil will swallow them up. I hate it, but many of our schools have become a recruiting ground for transgenderism, woke ideology, and outright satanism.
Friends don't think this woke ideology, these drag queens in the schools, and gender-bending garbage, sexual exploration, and exploitation is an end in itself. It's not, it's an invitation for demons to possess our children and our grandchildren.
The demons of hell have targeted this generation's children and grandchildren. They have decided, that if they couldn't kill them through abortion, then their plan is to possess them and confuse them, pervert them, and destroy their lives as well as countless others.
I'm going to say this with no fear of contradiction. The only thing that can turn back hell, is a Church that is on fire. These weak, anemic, jellyfish churches, that no longer preach the cross, and won't preach against sin, and won't preach that only Jesus’ blood can save you are going to be buried.
The church that is on fire, does not fear a radical woke Satanic-inspired, and possessed culture. Woke satanic culture, actually fears the church that burns with holy fire.
I'm going to say this with as much love as I can muster. I understand the pressures are real, and there may be a fiery furnace in your future if you stand up and you declare you will not bow to the gods of this world. But I'm telling you that if you don't stand up for God, and you bow down and worship these other gods, you are going to separate yourself from God's presence, and you are going to be buried, by the culture.
We are living in a time of separation and distinction. God is marking those that belong to him. And the devil is marking those that belong to him. There is no more gray area. Jesus said you are either for me or against me.
Friend, please believe me when I say that I believe it is more critical than I can even express. I can't even begin to articulate to you the seriousness of the hour that we're in.
I believe it's as urgent as the earthquake in Turkey that destroyed thousands of homes, and over 30,000 dead and so many missing.
If they could have known the intensity of what was coming, when, and where, they could have made decisions that would have saved thousands of lives.
I can only pray that the Holy Spirit can impress upon our hearts the urgency of this message. We are either going to burn with a fresh Revival fire, or we are going to be buried.
There is a choice before us today, and the choice is very simple, but living it out is much harder.
It's Revival or Burial?