John 5:1-5
“Afterward Jesus
returned to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish holy days. Inside the city, near the Sheep Gate, was the
pool of Bethesda, with five covered porches.
Crowds of sick people—blind, lame, or paralyzed—lay on the porches. One of the men lying there had been sick for
thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him
and knew he had been ill for a long time, he asked him, “Would you like to get
“I can’t, sir,” the
sick man said, “for I have no one to put me into the pool when the water
bubbles up. Someone else always gets there ahead of me.”
Jesus told him,
“Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!”
Instantly, the man
was healed! He rolled up his sleeping mat and began walking! Waiting for the
moving of the water.”
There are a lot of God’s children who, spiritually speaking,
are on the porch. They are not doing
anything to enter into the presence of God. They are sitting back waiting for
instant healing, instant financial blessing, and instant spiritual transformation. They watch while others enter into the
blessings and presence the Lord, they judge the worship of others, and
criticize the leadership of their pastors.
They know “how it should be done,” meantime they stuck in a state of
spiritual mediocrity because they are not doing nothing to move closer to the
presence of God that can bring them true healing and power. They are stuck on the porch.
My experience is that porches tend to be gathering places
for the sick and impotent. My
grandmother used to tell me, all the time, “Birds of a feather flock
together.” I have learned through the
years that grandma, like usual, was right on the money. If some people didn’t have their sicknesses,
their financial problems, and rocky relationships with others, they wouldn’t
have anything to talk about.
Here is a spiritual principle that I have come to understand,
there’s no healing on the porch:
Do you want to be healed?
It’s a simple enough question, but you have to decide how you will
respond to it. Are you willing to get
off the porch? Are you willing to stop
associating with those who can’t help you because they continue to accommodate
your lukewarm approach to your relationship with God? Are you tired of relying
on man’s help to move you closer to the power of God’s presence?
One of the greatest excuses of those on the porch, “I don’t
have any one to give it to me, if they would bring it to me, I would take
it. This is one of worst hindrances to
receiving the power available to all believers through the baptism of the Holy
Spirit. This attitude that some is
better than none, “I’m saved and that’s good enough for me.”
What a weak way to live!
It’s like saying I’d rather have a bologna sandwich when you could have
prime rib. It produces a spirit of
indifference and insincerity. No one
would rather have less when more is available, some are just too lazy to get
off the porch! They want the blessing of
grapes; they just don't want to fight the giants.
There is a dimension of God’s presence and power that will
never be experienced by these people.
This glory is reserved for those who are willing to do whatever it takes
to get off the porch and into His presence.
A power that only comes to those who run after the presence of God with
a spirit of urgency. A power that is
reserved for those who, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His
"There is a season for everything and a time to every
purpose under heaven," but do not miss what I’m saying: seasons
change! "Mourning lasts for a
night, but joy comes in the morning!"
Hear what I am saying to you!
Your window of opportunity to respond to the presence of His Holy Spirit
may pass you by if you remain on the porch!
If we are not spiritually in tune with God, we can miss the
greatest seasons of visitation that the church has ever known. There comes a time when singing about it
isn’t enough, when preaching about it isn’t enough, and when shouting about it
isn’t enough unless we step off the porch! We can shout and dance and preach
about all the great things God has done, and never touch what He is doing right
now! I want you to notice that the man was
healed, and he took up his mat, "still waiting for the water to be
God doesn't always manifest himself the way He has in the
past, it doesn't always happen the way we expect it to happen, but if we are
willing to step into His presence, His power always manifests with life changing
transformation. We will never come away
from the presence of God empty and impotent.
We can stay on the porch and talk about all the great revivals of the
past, and how God manifested his glory, or we can get off the porch and step
into His power! Jesus said: "The
words that I speak unto you are spirit and they are life."
There is power in His presence, saving power, healing power,
and transforming power. But you’ve got
to be willing to be changed, and you’ve got to be willing to put forth the effort
to get off the porch.

Preach it Brother! What comes to mind is the wedding feast where Jesus turned the water into wine, where Lazarous was brought back to life and Peter walked to Jesus on the each miracle men had to step up and do their parts....Jesus didn't fill the jars, He didn't roll the stone away, and He didn't help Peter out of the boat! May your ministry be long and fruitfully abundant!