Saturday, September 21, 2019

My Blood Issue is Cleansed

I have come to understand that, as I’ve grown older, the things I thought that I fully understood, I don’t fully understand at all. There is always more to learn, no matter how much I know. The story in Luke chapter eight of the woman being healed of an issue of blood is one of those stories that I only thought I understood, until I looked again.

The facts surrounding this miracle are easy enough to understand. The woman in the story had been sick for 12 long years. She had done everything she knew to seek help. She was growing weaker every day and unless she had a miracle, she was going to die. She had reached the end of her rope and had lost all hope of receiving help.

In addition to her health issue, there was the added social and spiritual issues of her condition. Her condition labeled unclean, and she could not mix with other people. She could not attend worship, she was shunned by others because if they touched her, they too would be considered unclean. So, we must assume that she stayed to herself most of the time. She may have had friends before her condition came upon her, but now, they kept their distance.

When I read this story this week, I was reminded that all of us are born with an issue of blood. We are all born in sin, our blood is tainted by the blood of Adam. We have inherited a fallen nature. No matter how hard we try and purify ourselves, we are considered spiritually unclean; lost in the eyes of God and dead in sin. Until we come to Jesus and are born again, we are living flesh with a dead spirit that is growing weaker every day, and closer to the grave with every breath. No matter what remedies we try to revive our spirit, all our efforts are futile. There is no solution that man can offer us for our issue.

I have been there myself, and so have some of you. I tried everything that man had to offer to make me feel better: drugs, alcohol, I went everywhere and spent everything trying to feel better, but I still ended up hopeless. No man-made pleasure, no earthly remedy has the power to purify our blood. Only the blood of Jesus, and the power of the Holy Ghost can deliver us from death. Just like the woman in the story, whatever it takes, we must get to Jesus!

The woman must have heard that Jesus was coming, and a spark of hope arose in her heart! This was the Great One, the Rabbi that has the power to heal, the one who performs miracles of healing and deliverance wherever he goes! She must have thought, ‘maybe, just maybe, if I can only get to him! If only…’

I imagine as I read this story that she must have planned out her mission to the best of her ability. She would wait in the shadows, until Jesus walked by. But once there, the crowds of people everywhere, thronging him and surrounding him! I can begin to feel the cries of her heart: How will I ever break through to touch him? I am weak, sick, and unclean! If they notice me, will they stone her for trying! Even if I get to Jesus, will he even touch me publicly and cause himself to be unclean? So many questions, but there was only one answer for her desperation, she had to get to Jesus, no matter how much it cost her!

I can tell you from experience friends, you don’t know how much you need Jesus until Jesus is the only hope you have left! Everything else fades into the background of your priorities when you reach that point in your life where no one else but Jesus has the power you need!

It has been over 6 years now since I have had a drink or used any drugs. I have shared my life story openly before, so I’ll be as brief as possible. I felt the call to be a pastor when I was 14 years old. I fought it with all my might, but eventually gave in to what others told me was inevitable. I went to bible college straight out of High School and spent the next 22 years in ministry. But I never really surrendered control of my life to the Holy Ghost.

In 2007 I became very ill and required several surgeries. When all was said and done, I had become addicted to the pain medicine. I lost my church, and after 6 years of abusing drugs and alcohol, I had lost the respect of my children, and nearly lost my marriage. I was locked in hopelessness, I wanted to stop, but I didn’t know how. I had reached a point where I was cut off from almost everything and everyone. I missed the birth of my granddaughter because of my sin. That was when I said, “I must get to Jesus.”

I cried out to Jesus and told Him, I don’t have the answer Lord, I don’t know what to do, I have tried to stop but I can’t find the strength. I felt the Lord speak to me like I had only felt once before in my life: “If you will surrender your life to Me, I will give you the strength.”

I did, and Jesus has kept His promise. Clean and sober for over 6 years! I am born again of the water and the Spirit, baptized in the name of Jesus and filled with the Holy Ghost. And Jesus has even restored me to a place where I can minister to and help others.

The woman with the issue of blood finally reached Jesus and touched the hem of his garment, and her faith healed her. Because of her faith to believe and receive, the power flowed from Jesus and into her body, instantly performing the miracle that she needed. Jesus did the same for me when I finally reached out to Him, and He has done it for so many others.

That’s what God wants to do for everyone who still suffers an issue of blood! He wants to remove the burden of sin and shame, and bring you back into a right relationship with Him, and He wants us to know that it’s purely a work of faith; faith in the power of His shed blood to cleanse us; and in the power of the Holy Ghost to save us. All you need to do, is get to Jesus!

Saturday, September 14, 2019


What I am about to share today may not seem to be as encouraging as I usually try to be, but I feel in my heart that this is what the Holy Ghost was saying to me this morning. And I want to say that I thank God for the church and the pastor that I serve, because what I see this in most of the church today, has not made its way into the place where I worship.

In the book of Nehemiah. The city of God, Jerusalem, is in ruins. The walls are a pile of rubble. How did God deal with this? How did God restore the ruins? Friends, I want you to understand something about Nehemiah: He was not a preacher, he was an average working man. The only thing that set Nehemiah apart from the other men of his day was that he was also a praying man. God found a man who would not just have a whim of emotion, a sudden burst of concern, and then let it die. Nehemiah initially turned down the appointment, he said "no." But then he fasted, and he prayed and sought God for a word. The Word says that he "prayed night and day."

“Wherefore the king said unto me, Why is thy countenance sad, seeing thou art not sick? this is nothing else but sorrow of heart. Then I was very sore afraid,

And said unto the king, Let the king live for ever: why should not my countenance be sad, when the city, the place of my fathers' sepulchres, lieth waste, and the gates thereof are consumed with fire?

Then the king said unto me, For what dost thou make request? So I prayed to the God of heaven.
And I said unto the king, If it please the king, and if thy servant have found favour in thy sight, that thou wouldest send me unto Judah, unto the city of my fathers' sepulchres, that I may build it.” – Nehemiah 2:1-5

Why didn’t anyone else have the answer? Why did God use someone else to restore the ruins of Jerusalem? Why didn’t they have a word from the Lord? Because there was no sign of brokenness in them! No weeping, not a word of prayer, they had no passion to pursue God for an answer, meanwhile the city of God was in ruins!

As I look around at the whole church scene today, everywhere I see ministries of the flesh. They are powerless, they have zero impact on a world that is on it's way to hell. I see the world’s music taking over the house of worship and there seems to be an obsession with entertainment, entertainment replacing the power and presence of the Holy Ghost by people who call themselves “Christians.” All over the world, the House of God is in ruins!

There is a hatred by this current generation of  discipline and correction. A pastor cannot correct any of these ‘daffodil’ saints, and if he does, they leave. Nobody wants to hear the truth of their sin anymore.

What has  happened to brokenness in the life of the believer? What has happened to brokenness in the  lives of ministry? Brokenness is a word you simply don’t hear in this age of self-indulgence.. Brokenness is a term that has disappeared from most of the church’s vocabulary. Another word for brokenness is anguish, anguish means extreme pain and distress. It describes an event when your emotions become so stirred that it is painful.

Brokenness is deeply felt pain, a inner sorrow, it is the ability to feel, and empathize with, the agony of God’s heart over the ruins of the lives of so many

So many denominations, and so called 'believers,' have held onto their big talk about revival, but they have become passive. All true passion for the lost is born out of brokenness! Without passion, all their big talk about revival is just rhetoric, it amounts to the promises of a politician - its empty! All true passion for Jesus comes out of brokenness. I f you read the Word and you already know that when God was determined to restore, He would share his own agony over what He saw happening to His people. Then God would find a praying man and he would take that man and break him until he could feel the agony of God's heart. Then when that man was broken, God anointed him to recover and restore what was ruined. That's what He did with Nehemiah, that's what he wants to do in the people of God today.

Does it matter to you today, do you weep, is there any passion in you at all over the fact that the Church, in so many places, is married to the world? It is in ruins! Does it matter to you that indifference to the principles of God seems to be sweeping our land and that holiness has become a thing of the past for so many? The church is in ruins and it is draining spiritual power. We have become blind to the spirit of the church of Laodicea, blind to the lukewarmness and the ways of the world that is creeping into the body of Christ!

That’s what the devil wants to do, he wants to deceive you into believing that I’m okay and you’re okay when nothing could be farther from the truth. The enemy wants to take the fight out of you, he wants to kill your passion for the things of God. He wants to keep you from feeling the agony of God’s heart over what is taking place in the Body of Christ. Why? So, you won’t labor in prayer anymore, you won’t weep before God anymore, so you won’t allow yourself to be broken over what breaks the heart of God. So, you can sit and watch television while your family is going to hell!

Are the words that I'm sharing getting through to you today? Is the Holy Ghost convicting you at all? There is a great difference between being broken over something and being concerned about it. Let me share with you what I feel the Holy Ghost is saying to me today, if it is not born in brokenness, if it has not been born of the Holy Spirit, when what you saw or heard hasn't driven you to your knees, if it didn't take you down to an altar and break you, if it didn't cause you to weep and pray and seek God – then you're just concerned, not broken. Until we are in agony, until we are emotionally destroyed over it, and all our ministries and projects and everything we do is driven by a passion that comes from the agony of God's heart, we are not broken over it.

Where are the Youth leaders that weep and are broken over the kids that they know are receiving the message of repentance and going to hell? You see a true prayer life begins at the place of brokenness. If you decide to set your heart on prayer, God is going to come and reveal his heart to you. And your heart begins to cry out – Oh God your name is being blasphemed, the Holy Ghost is being mocked, the enemy is out doing everything he can to destroy the testimony of God’s people. You begin to become energized and you know that something must be done.

Friends, I want to tell you what God clearly showed me today. There is going to be no renewal, no revival, no awakening, until we are willing to once again let God break us. We are living in the last days, I know you’ve heard that for years, but look around you and you can see in the light of God’s prophetic Word, time is getting short, it’s getting late and it’s getting serious.

I’m fed up with folks telling me they’re concerned, and then they spend hours in front of the television and on the internet, but they can’ find 10 minutes to pray. Come on, really? You’re concerned? There are some receiving this message today that need to find and altar and confess: “I am not what God has called me to be, I am not walking where He has called me to walk. Jesus, I don’t have your heart or your burden for a lost and dying community that I walk and live in everyday. I have become passive, I have allowed the enemy to render my ministry powerless. I wanted it life to be easy, I just wanted pleasure and happiness, but I know now Lord that true joy only comes out of brokenness. I repent and I ask you to restore to me the joy of thy salvation that I might become a testimony for the lost”

There is nothing of the flesh that will give you joy. I don’t care how rich you are, how big your house is, or that you drive an expensive car, there is absolutely nothing physical that can give you joy because joy is a fruit of the Spirit. It is only what is accomplished by the Holy ghost when you listen to His voice and obey Him and take on His heart.

Build the walls around your family, build the walls around your heart, let God make you strong and secure against the enemy. Is that the cry of your heart today? God that’s what I desire!

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Lord is My Shepherd

Friends, the one thing I want to clearly communicate to you today is that God has been so good to me! I can look back and see how the hand of God has graciously moved on my behalf. Some who know the health issues I have been facing may question the truth of what I am saying, but when I look back on my life thus far, there is no doubt that I can attest to the goodness of my God. So, today I will sing of the goodness of God.

I can identify with King David as he sings this song of praise in Psalms 23. There is no doubt in my mind that I am one of God’s sheep and Jesus is my Shepherd?

Psalms 23:1, "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want."

Are you in want for anything this morning? We live in a world of discontentment. People always “want” something. Jason Lehman wrote a poem that says it this way:

It was spring. But it was summer I wanted - The warm days, & the great outdoors.

It was summer. But it was fall I wanted - The colorful leaves, & the cool, dry air.

It was fall. But it was winter I wanted - The beautiful snow, & the joy of the holiday season.

It was winter. But it was spring I wanted - The warmth, & the blossoming of nature.

I was a child. But it was adulthood I wanted - The freedom, & the respect.

I was 20. But it was 30 I wanted - To be mature, & sophisticated.

I was middle-aged. But it was 20 I wanted - The youth, & the free spirit.

I was retired. But it was middle-age I wanted - The presence of mind, without limitations

Then my life was over, and I never got what I wanted.

People always want what they don’t have. It seems like we are never satisfied with anything for very long. But this isn’t the “want” that David wasn’t talking about. The “want” that he is talking about in the 23rd Psalm was not what he could go out and get for himself, but those things that he needs that can only come from God.

You can work hard, earn your money and then go out and buy possessions. You can buy food, clothing, cars, and homes or just about anything you need. It may not be the top of the line or the cream of the crop, but it is enough to meet your need. But money can’t buy health, it can’t buy life itself, it can’t buy peace, it can’t buy satisfaction, and it can’t buy real love. Money can’t buy the things we want most.

As we follow the Great Shepherd, it is His responsibility to supply our wants.

Psalms 23:2, "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters."

Most of us, as individual “sheep” in the Lord’s house are lying in some truly green pastures. It’s so easy to just slip into that comfort zone and become satisfied. Why move when everything seems so good right where we are?

But let me tell you a few things about sheep. Sheep are dumb animals when you get down to it. Unless their shepherd makes them move on, sheep will ruin a pasture, eating every blade of grass, until finally a fertile pasture is nothing but barren soil. Sheep are near-sighted, stubborn, and easily frightened. An entire flock can be stampeded by a jack rabbit. They have little means of defense. They’re timid, feeble creatures. Their only recourse is to run if no shepherd is there to protect them. Sheep have no homing instincts. A dog, horse, cat, or a bird can find its way home, but when a sheep gets lost, it’s a goner unless someone rescues it.

I don’t know about you, but for the last year, since I quit riding and have no dedicated ministry, I’ve felt that I had hit a real dry spell in ministry. While I knew that God’s anointing was still with me, and I knew that transitioning to something new was the will of God, it just seemed that something was missing. I can see now that all I was doing was devouring the blessings but not giving much back. I had even lost the fire to preach. I used to miss the pulpit when I faced seasons where I didn’t preach much, but that yearning to stir the anointing was missing. Do you know what happens to a sheep that isn’t productive? Have you ever heard of Lamb Chops?

So, what did Jesus, The Shepherd, do to get me moving again? He began to “stir the waters”. Things began to transpire in my life that would take me out of the green pastures and out of my comfort zone. I hope and pray that I never have to be stirred in this manner again. I pray that His Word remains a fire in my bones, and I cannot contain it – I am there again and I am thankful because I feel the blessing of His pleasure, I feel the stirring of His anointing, and I am eager to fulfill His calling again.

Psalms 23:3, "He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake."

That’s what God has been doing all along. He saved me, filled me with the Holy Ghost, gave me faith, helped me to trust in Him, and then He began to lead me in paths of righteousness that I had never walked before. God is expanding my vision, pushing me toward a new horizon, and leading me into doing things and going places that I have never been before.

The past 13 months have been some of the most faith-building, and trust-building times that I have ever faced. True enough, there have been a few times when doubt or frustration may have tried to arise, times where depression began to overtake me and I even prayed for my life in this world to be over, but through the power of the Holy Ghost, and the overwhelming presence of God, they were overcome.

There were times when I wondered if I had missed God. There were times when I even wondered if I was going to continue ministry at all. But God is faithful, I am still here, and I might add, stronger in my walk than I have ever been. I have been through the fire, my life refined to be able to bring honor and glory to Jesus.

The storm doesn’t appear to have ended yet, but I have peace during the storm. And now I believe that the storm is subsiding. I believe that Jesus has said, “Peace be still” and I can sense that the winds of adversity are lessening and the waves that seemed to be so tall are coming down. The storm is nearly over. Just a few more breezes; a few more waves; and I will see smooth seas once again. Not that all will be perfect, but I will be in those green pastures once again.\

Psalms 23:4, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

I feel that I have literally walked through the valley of the shadow of death: a serious motorcycle accident, severe illness, and most recently a stroke. In the dark days when I was confused as to why all this was going on, what would happen next, or where God would take me from here, I was in the valley. When I looked at my circumstances, I thought more than a few times, “God, I can’t survive this much longer. Yet all the while, the Shepherd was leading. He has a vision of where I was going, even if I couldn’t fully see. Despite the devil’s attempts, I remain faithful.

Psalms 23:5-6, "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever."

I can certainly identify with David here. It wasn’t the enemies of men that I faced, but spiritual enemies from the supernatural realms. Satan’s attacks on my mind were very real. His intentions were to destroy me. He wanted to send me scattering in fear and stop the preaching of God’s Word – BUT HE HAS FAILED!

Amid the battle, God sent me a wonderful man of God who encourages me and prays for me. He sent people, brothers and sisters from my church, brothers who were not from my church, and he used them to supply my every need, emotional, physical, and spiritual. I could never thank them enough.

After everything that has happened in the past year, I can surely say that “Goodness” and “Mercy” has followed me, and will continue to follow me into the future.

I came across a song this week, ‘The Goodness of God’, and it brought me to tears as I realized what the Holy Ghost was reminding me of through the words of a song:

I love You, Lord
For Your mercy never failed me
All my days, I've been held in Your hands
From the moment that I wake up
Until I lay my head
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God
And all my life You have been faithful
And all my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God
I love Your voice
You have led me through the fire
And in darkest night You are close like no other
I've known You as a Father
I've known You as a Friend
And I have lived in the goodness of God, yeah!
And all my life You have been faithful, ohh
And all my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God, yeah!
'Cause Your goodness is running after, it's running after me
Your goodness is running after, it's running after me
With my life laid down, I'm surrendered now
I give You everything
'Cause Your goodness is running after, it's running after me, oh-ohh
'Cause Your goodness is running after, it's running after me
Your goodness is running after, it's running after me
With my life laid down, I'm surrendered now
I give You everything
'Cause Your goodness is running after, it keeps running after me
And all my life You have been faithful
And all my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I'm gonna sing of the goodness of God
I'm gonna sing, I'm gonna sing
'Cause all my life You have been faithful
And all my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I'm gonna sing of the goodness of God.