Saturday, April 6, 2019

I Am Not a Quitter!

Ezekiel 37:3 – “And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest.”

All through the history there have been great revivals that have had tremendous impact on their communities. States and even nations have been transformed as the result of God sending Revival. But no Revival has ever equaled the depth and the width of the revival of Ezekiel 37. An entire valley of the dead was raised in one day.

The reason I want to draw your attention to this mighty revival, is to show you the resurrection power when the wind of the Holy Ghost begins to blow. This is essential for believers to understand and see because: God does not change. He is no respecter of persons, race, or nation. It doesn’t matter if your rich or poor, educated or uneducated, black or white, young or old. The same Holy Ghost, the same power, that blew through that valley of the shadow of death and produced the greatest revival in history, is the same Holy Ghost and power available to the church today.

Psalm 85:6 David asked the question, “Wilt thou not revive us again that thy people may rejoice in thee.”

That seems like a very appropriate question for the day and the hour in which we live. Sin is running rampant, and much of the church has grown cold and lazy and indifferent. At times I find myself wondering as I look around at the perversion of this generation, can God do anything in the midst of this?

Of course, I know the answer is yes, He can, and He will. How? By the same mighty wind that blew through that valley of dry bones, the same power that blew through the upper room on the day of Pentecost and set upon each head as tongues of fire. Yes, he can, by the Power of the Holy Ghost! 

Only the breath of God gives life to the dead. It started with Adam as God breathed life into His lungs, we see it again in Ezekiel 37, it was the breath of God that formed the words that called Lazarus from the grave, and it was the breath of God that blew into a room and filled 120 with the power of the Holy Ghost and gave them the power to spread the message of eternal life to the world.

Your church may have the most beautiful building, it may have the most talented singers, the most educated preachers, central heat and air, and padded pews, but if you don’t have the power of the Holy Ghost it’s just a dressed-up corpse. It’s the Anointing that destroys the yoke of sin!

When we look at Ezekiel 37 we see the awesome power of God resurrecting, healing, and restoring. We see the power of the Holy Ghost putting broken things back together again. We see hope coming into hopeless situations. We become witnesses to the truth that there is no problem, there is no situation, there are no circumstances – regardless of how hopeless they appear, that can’t be reversed by the power of God.

The Word tells us that with God all things are possible, and all things are possible to them that believe. Brothers and Sisters listen to what I am trying to tell you this morning, the power of God to heal, to restore, and make new, is greater than the devil’s power to kill, steal, and destroy. Jesus said: “The thief comes to steal to kill and to destroy, but I am come that they might have life and that more abundantly.” – John 10:10

My purpose today is to prophesy to God’s people today – Dry bones are going to live again! It doesn’t matter what the devil has done, or how bad the situation or condition is, God is greater! There’s no sickness that He can’t heal, there is no chain that He cannot break, there’s no addiction He can’t deliver you from, and there’s no sin he can’t save you from. Don’t give up hope because, there’s no relationship, no marriage that He cannot restore. There’s no pit that God can’t pull you out of.

David said: “He lifted me up out of a horrible pit, he set my feet upon a rock and established my goings.”

Don’t give up!

As Ezekiel looks at this valley of bones, they were broken, and they were scattered. They represent all the brokenness, all the fears, all the hopelessness and confusion, all the sickness and diseases of humanity. And he sums it all up under one category – ‘they were very dry.’ The category of Dry means they needed the presence and the power of Gods Spirit.

I’m talking to somebody right now who needs God’s presence and power to touch your life. Somebody receiving this word today is suffering from the condition of ‘dry bone syndrome.’ I don’t know who you are, but I know you’re receiving the words God has given me today, I know that in many ways it seems that everything is going good in your life, but there is at least one or more area of your life that is dry and causing you a great deal of pain and discomfort. There is some area of your life that you need the power of God to flow and bring restoration, healing, and deliverance. You need the resurrection power of God to bring life into that ‘dry bone condition.’

God did not give me this word to analyze or criticize, but to prophesy. I prophesy to those dry broken places, I release the power of God into your valley, and I want you to understand, the dry bone specialist is a mere shout or cry away – cry out to him now, God help me!

You don’t have to remain in the valley, you may be lost, sick, broken, confused, oppressed, bound, afflicted, but the dry bone specialist, Jesus, is on call today and he won’t just to diagnose your problem, He will deliver and set you free! Jesus didn’t come just to medicate you so you could live with the mess, he came to get you out of the mess. Jesus is the healer, He is the miracle worker, He is the baptizer in the mighty Holy Ghost and power.

It doesn’t matter if you’re lukewarm, dry, or cold, and have never known the Lord. It doesn’t matter if you’re a backslider and you have walked away from the Lord, or if you’re a faithful singer, attendee, tithe payer – right now you’re dry, no joy, no peace, no fire, no passion, no anointing. The answer is the same: Jesus loves you and he wants to send the power of the Holy Ghost into your life. He wants to heal you everywhere you hurt, He wants to restore your joy, your peace, and he wants to send that same Holy Ghost that came through that valley into your life right now.

We all have broken places, in our lives, we have all suffered loss in some way, we have all went through dry places, dark places, painful and confusing places. We have all had attacks on our joy, our peace, our minds, our bodies, our emotions. And in those places, you must decide, I am not going to quit! No matter what you are going through you must decide, I am not going to quit!.

I’m not going to quit going to church, quit praising, quit hoping, quit expecting – you must be a fighter! These are your options: You can either be a quitter and let life, let the devil, let hell beat you up and break your bones and leave you out to dry. Or you can be a fighter and throw back your head, square your shoulders, look the devil in the eye and tell him, I am not giving up!

The three Hebrew boys could have easily quit when they were thrown into a fiery furnace, Joseph could have easily quit when he was betrayed by his brothers, falsely accused by Potipher’s wife, and thrown into prison. Paul and Silas could have easily quit, they could have given up on God and their ministry. They could have been angry at God, angry at people, and fallen into self-pity. But instead of midnight being their quitting place became the turning point.

I want to tell you, there is a wind blowing, there is a fire falling, there is a resurrection power, resurrection life blowing in today. If you’ll just tell the devil right now - I ain’t a quitter!

Make the decision right now, I’m not going to quit, and make room for the power of God to come into your life. There’s no power that can resist the power of God. I don’t care what you’ve done or what the devils done, or how bad it looks or how bad it feels. God will raise it from the dead if he needs to. He’s the God of the resurrection!

Revival is his business and He’ll Revive your: Health, Joy, Peace, Marriage, Dream, Mind, Emotions, or Finances. “And they stood upon their feet an exceeding great army.”

God is raising up a mighty army right now.

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