Saturday, August 31, 2019

Cross the Line!

When I was in college studying to be a pastor I minored in history. I guess I still hadn’t come to grips with my calling and was hoping that I would still be able to pursue my dream of teaching. Eventually I knew that wasn’t in God’s plan. This week as I was reading a passage of scripture in 1 Samuel 17 one of the stories that I heard in class came to mind. God used that story to show me something, and today I feel led to share what God showed me.

In the year 1836, the Republic of Texas was fighting for its life after some very costly battles with the Mexican General Santa Anna. In the opening days of this campaign to reclaim Texas for Mexico, Santa Anna had to face the Texians, as they were called then, at a lonely mission outpost known as the Alamo.

Outnumbered greatly, legend says that the commander, Col. Travis drew a line on the ground with his sword and, after making a patriotic call, asked every man willing to give his life for Texas to cross that line. The same legend says that only one man did not cross the line. His name was Louis Rose and he was the one that supposedly told the story that the legend is based upon.

Within 24 hours every man who had crossed the line was dead. They had all given their best, their lives, their fortunes and their homes attempting to bring freedom from the tyranny of the Mexican Army. Their lives were given for a cause that was great and a cause they deemed more important than life itself.

In the Old Testament book of I Samuel, chapter 17 we can read of the account of David and Goliath. It’s a story that all of us are familiar with but I want to call your attention to verse 29.

"And David said, ‘What have I now done? Is there not a cause?’" – 1 Samuel 17:29

David’s own brothers were angry with him because he was shaming them for having run from Goliath and the army of the Philistines. Some had told David that he should be at home keeping the sheep and leave the fighting to real men, but that didn’t deter David. He knew that Israel was God’s chosen nation and that his God was real and would not fail. David’s cause wasn’t so much to defeat Goliath, or to protect Israel, his cause was to serve his God and fight against all who would mock the God of Israel.

Friends, we too are fighting a battle for freedom. Our great cause is the freedom and deliverance of men, women and youth who will face eternal damnation and the prison of hell if we don’t win this battle. Jesus has drawn a line in the sand, spiritually speaking, and has asked, “Who will step across that line and give your all to win the war against sin?”

"Therefore, said he unto them, the harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest. Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves. Carry neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes: and salute no man by the way." – Luke 10:2-4

Over 2000 years ago Jesus sent his disciples into the world with the words above. And today Jesus is still seeking to send those who will cross the line and commit their all to setting the captives free. Those who cross the line must realize that there is a price to pay for victory. It will mean either victory or death for there can be no surrender. To surrender in the war against sin is the same as death for the penalties are the same. The devil takes no prisoners. His job is to steal, kill and destroy and don’t ever forget it.

I want to remind you that once the men of the Alamo had crossed that line it meant either win or die and when David crossed that valley to meet Goliath head to head, he knew it was either win or die. I believe that the men of the Alamo knew death was certain, but they chose to die in the fight rather than give up and live a life of mediocrity.

David knew that God would not allow Goliath to win and had faith in the victory. I’m not so sure that David knew he would live or not, but he committed his life and his faith into God’s hands and trusted God for the victory.

When we cross the line and commit our lives to Jesus, we must understand that there is no turning back. It’s a do or die battle to the end. We must put our trust and faith in God for the outcome. Like David, we must realize that in the end, no matter what happens, victory is ours. We must also have the same heart felt commitment as the defenders of the Alamo, knowing that even if we die physically, our life is nothing compared to the greater cause of winning souls and making Heaven our home for eternity.

If we are to join this battle for souls in God’s army, we must realize a few facts from the verses in Luke 10:2-4.

First, we are vastly outnumbered. There are far more unsaved than there are saved in the world. If you were to look around you and realize that only a few of the people you know are going to Heaven and understand that most of them will spend eternity in hell, it’s a sobering thought.

There are few people, who call themselves Christian, that are concerned about lost souls. Most people in our churches are too self-centered to worry about others. Thank God for those who are concerned and who are doing all they can to reach out to those who need Jesus.

"Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." – 1 John 4:4

That’s the good news that I must share with you. You may be outnumbered but you are still stronger because Jesus resides inside us. His will is that we spread the gospel to a lost world. You are always walking in the Lord’s will to witness and testify to God’s saving grace and mercy through the shed blood of Jesus.

Second, we must realize that laboring in the field of God’s harvest is not going to be easy. Not only will you be trying to reach souls who refuse to hear your message, but you will also have to face demonic power to reach them. Satan won’t go away without a fight.

How many times have we seen people who repented of their sin, were baptized in Jesus name, and prayed through to the Holy Ghost, and yet a few months later we find them right back in their old lifestyle? Satan won’t stop trying to keep those that have served him for so long. Thank God that Jesus has the last word! No soul who, really wants to serve Jesus, can be stopped by the powers of hell.

Third, not only will people refuse your ministry and the devil will try and stop you, but we must realize that the field is hot and dry – It’s just plain hard work. Ask any pastor, missionary, evangelist, or anyone who spreads the gospel and they will all tell you that it’s not easy. Some may have to endure great pain and hardships. Others may have to endure great persecution from the unbelievers. Others will be required to give up everything to answer the call to some foreign land. Each of us, whether in our nation or a foreign nation will have our own burdens to bear.

No matter how hard the battle gets or how tired we are from the work of the harvest, we must press on! The cause is too great to stop. Jesus will make a way of escape from every trial and He will give us the grace to withstand every hardship.

Finally, we must realize that we are being sent forth as sheep among wolves, in harm’s way. Jesus told His disciples that they would face persecution and even death in the course of their duties. We are not exempt from those same circumstances.

We don’t need to worry about what path is there, just walk it. We don’t need to worry about providing for the necessities of life for Jesus has promised to take care of the things we need. If he feeds the birds, clothes the flowers, causes the rain to fall on dry ground, what makes us think that he can’t handle our financial, physical, or emotional needs? I will step out as a defenseless sheep, into a world of wolves, because He is my strong and mighty tower! He is my refuge and my strength! It is not in my strength that this battle will be won, it is His strength.

Has God called you to a ministry? If He has, be a man or woman of God and cross the line! Stick to it and do your ministry with all your might! Do it with joy, with thanksgiving for an opportunity to serve Jesus and others, knowing that you in God’s will. Do it quickly and without fail knowing that souls are hanging in the balance.

God hasn’t saved us to enjoy a life of perfect ease or for a bed of roses. He saved us by His grace, washed us in the blood of Jesus, lifted us out of the miry clay, and filled us with the Holy Ghost and commissioned us, "…Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."

The United States Marines have a slogan that says, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” 

I pray God that every one of you, and every Christian in God’s army would have that same motto. So, what, if things are tough, get tougher than the circumstances. If you get knocked down, discouraged, bruised in the fight, and fall do like one speaker that heard say, “If you must get knocked down, fall on your back. That way you can still reach up and punch the devil in the nose while you are getting back on your feet!”

I get so tired of those who are in ministry who have no time or energy for their ministry. If you don’t have enough vision to get in there and fight, then either get down on your knees and pray for a new vision or get out of the way and let someone else who will.

There are no acceptable excuses for not being in place for the battle. If you are a preacher, preach! If you are a singer, sing! If you are a youth leader, then lead by example, not by word! How can we ever expect to win people to Christ, if all we are ever concerned about is our own little world?

There are people all around us, thousands, millions of people who have been taken captive. They are behind enemy lines. Trapped in all kinds of bondages: Drugs, alcohol, depression, loneliness, and every kind of human depravity imagineable. They are enslaved by the devil. Some of them are aware of their need to be freed, others are so deceived they cannot see the chains that bind them, but nonetheless, they are bound.

There is a great need for God’s people to cross the line and deliver the gospel of freedom, an urgent need for those who are filled with the Holy Ghost to bring them a message of liberty. We must answer the call that has been sounded by the ‘Lord of the harvest.’

I know their need, because I have lived behind enemy lines in chains. I was bound by drugs and alcohol. I yearned to be free from that bondage, but I didn’t think I would ever be free of it. Until the Lord sent a man into my life who was filled with the Holy Ghost. He crossed the line for me, he took a risk for me, and he loved me into the Kingdom of God. Thank God, Nathan was relentless! Now it’s my turn to cross the line for the lost.

Yes, I know the battle is hot. I know the way is hard. I know the world doesn’t want to hear your message. I know it requires a lot of inconvenience. I know it requires a great commitment. But I also know that Jesus is my Lord. Jesus saved me, I am baptized in His name, filled with the Holy Ghost, and anointed me with the power of the Gospel. Now I have a job to do, so, I am crossing the line! Are you with me?

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